Discover the right solution for your boat

Sailing on a sailboat is much more than a means of transport; it is an invitation to travel and to discover natural and wild environments.
It is contradictory to indulge in this pleasure with boats whose environmental impact is far from being neutral when there is not enough wind while also having the inconvenience of a loud and smelly engine.
That is to say: with a thermal engine, 3 liters per hour to advance at 5 knots is equivalent to the consumption of 30 liters per 100 km !
Nowadays there are electric and hybrid motors that can significantly reduce these impacts while improving the comfort and pleasure on board.

Their main advantages :
Immediate high torque which facilitates port maneuvers
Access to all sorts of electrical comfort thanks to the battery storage capacities
Autonomy thanks to hydro generation, photovoltaics, wind power or the use of a power generator
Less noise and vibration
No smell
No oil spills
The pleasure of arriving at port or mooring in silence without disturbing the neighbors.

Self-generate your own energy while sailing. Sailing is the most suitable mobility application for electricity.

Solutions are available for every type of boat.

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Electric / Hybrid installations and nautical propulsion systems

PuissanceImmediate power
Moteur silencieuxNo noise
énergie proporeCreate your own energy
Batterie moteur électrique48V system
Aucun émission de CO2 ou CarburantZero emission
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