Electric motor for boat tender and fishing boat

The engine of the tender is often the last thing you think about when buying a boat, yet it is a key point of comfort and the source of many problems and accidents. In addition, the gasoline on board is particularly flammable and filling tanks at sea is always delicate.
Technological progress and the optimization of the capacities of lithium batteries allow us today to have light, reliable and powerful electric motors.
We have selected 2 brands of motors from 1 to 11 KW to cover most of the needs.


E-Propulsion is one of the leaders in outboard electric motorization for powers from 1 to 6 kW. Their continuous innovation has made them the most efficient engines on the market.

electric motor for boat tender epropulsion

E Dyn

New in France

E-Dyn is the nautical subsidiary of a big European company which has been on the market for 30 years. Their engines made in Europe with the best materials are very reliable and powerful with an innovative design.

edyn Electric motor for boat tender and fishing boat

* How to compare thermal and electric power ?

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Information request

    Electric / Hybrid installations and nautical propulsion systems

    PuissanceImmediate power
    Moteur silencieuxNo noise
    énergie proporeCreate your own energy
    Batterie moteur électrique48V system
    Aucun émission de CO2 ou CarburantZero emission
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